How Long Do Encrypted Emails Last?

How Long Do Encrypted Emails Last?

Encrypting emails is an effective way for your medical practice to offer patients HIPAA complaint communication. HIPAA secure emails protect your patients’ sensitive information while confirming your practice meets all the privacy standards of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Here’s more information about encrypted emails and how long their security lasts:

What Is an Encrypted Email?

If you want to protect your patient data from unauthorized access, look for a platform that offers HIPAA secure emails. These emails should undergo encryption, meaning their message transforms into a format that only the intended recipient can access. The encryption process changes the message’s content into a code that is only readable with a correct decryption key, securing information like medical records and personal health information. A doctor who regularly sends patients’ medical histories to other health specialists should work with a secure email provider. Practices that send patients appointment data via email can also benefit from a HIPAA compliant platform.

What Affects the Lifespan of Encrypted Emails?

The amount of time the security of an encrypted email lasts depends on several factors. These factors also determine how long the message remains safe from unauthorized parties and accessible to the intended recipient. These are some of the components of encrypted email lifespans:

Key Expiration

The message’s encryption key, which has its own expiration date, affects the email’s longevity. When the key expires, the encrypted message may no longer be accessible to the recipient unless the sender generates a new key and shares it with the recipient. If a key for encrypting and decrypting medical data is set to expire after two years, senders must update it so that other authorized parties can continue reading the data.

Retention Rules

Different email systems have specific retention rules that dictate how long encrypted information lasts. Some automatically delete the data after a set period. A HIPAA compliant email service may have a policy that automatically removes protected information from its records after 7 years. If you’re a healthcare provider, working with HIPAA email experts enables you to align your retention guidelines with the needs of your practice. This allows data like patient care plans or legal matters to remain available to your staff members and patients for a duration of your choice.  

Key Management Practices

How you manage your encryption keys determines your data’s lifespan. If you routinely renew the keys every 3 years, you’ll have better long-term access to the secure data. HIPAA security professionals might be able to help you store backup keys securely to keep up with technology changes. An encryption algorithm created 10 years ago might need frequent updates to remain secure in today’s computing technology.

How Do I Manage Long-Term Email Encryption?

If you want your HIPAA compliant emails to last longer than the standard encryption period, use an email provider that meets healthcare requirements and offers customizable encryption services. These experts will implement a system that tracks and automatically renews your encryption keys before they expire. They might analyze your email retention rules and recommend changes that comply with HIPAA’s record-keeping guidelines. HIPAA security experts will also send you updates about technological advancements and help you update your algorithm when necessary to maintain your email platform’s security.

Start Using HIPAA Secure Emails

Whether you run a small or large healthcare facility, encrypting your emails improves the security of your business and patients. The lifecycle of these secure emails depends on factors like the key’s expiration date, retention policies, and key management practices. A HIPAA compliant email provider will help you establish these components and align them with your practice’s needs. Contact HIPAA email experts today to learn more about implementing a secure and compliant email solution.

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